Construction Status

Warm Springs Ave will be closed to thru traffic (local traffic only), starting August 26th, 2024, to September 20th, 2024, between Broadway Ave and the junction with Parkcenter Blvd when the project resumes. Follow detours as assigned.

The Mainline Replacement Project will resume soon. We anticipate Warm Springs Avenue to be closed for approximately 5 weeks. Access to businesses and homes will be open.

Call 208-342-3162 (BWSWD), 208-392-3242 (Scott, Technician), 208-919-3516 (Del, Manager), 208-362-6152 (Knife River) or see below FAQs for info.


Maintenance of the District’s geothermal water distribution system is an ongoing process including both new construction to add patrons and improve the system as well as repairs and preventative maintenance to address leaks and maintain system integrity and reliability.

The single largest component of the District’s distribution system is the mainline pipe that runs down Warm Springs Ave (see map below). This is a 12 inch pipe of mostly Transite, which is a type of concrete pipe structure, and was installed in the 1970s. As this Transite piping has reached the end of its 40 year life expectancy, the District has commenced a Mainline Replacement Project.
Following a formal bidding process, the District selected Great West Engineering to manage the project. This work includes analysis of the system, design of alternatives to the immense mainline approach, phased planning of construction, and financing.

Map of the Boise Warm Springs Water District geothermal distribution system.
Map of the Boise Warm Springs Water District geothermal distribution system.

In short, replacement of the District’s mainline is a massive undertaking. While the District has been working on this for some time, things are moving forward quickly. The District has been approved for a 20-year loan of approximately $3 million to cover construction costs. This means construction can begin in 2023.

On Monday, April 3rd, the District received 2 bids for our project; Titan Technologies and Knife River. After review, the bid was awarded to Knife River with a start date on or around August 14th. With the project now officially underway we have a schedule from Knife River to keep us up to date with where construction will be and when, beginning at Bruce Ave on 8/14/2023 and finishing at Hot Springs Dr around early December. If you have questions please call Knife River at 208-342-6152.

Knife River is planning to shut down two (2) blocks of Warm Springs Ave at a time to expedite construction. Bypass lines will be run to keep service active to those that are needing it. We ask that everyone follows the detours assigned for the safety of all involved.

We are doing our best to keep everyone informed. Please review the FAQs below and feel free to contact us if you have questions.

You can help to offset the costs for this project with a tax-deductible contribution to the District.

Simply click the button below or send a check to the pump house!


What is the timeline for the project?  How long will it take to complete?

Construction on the project will occur during warm weather months when the demand on the system is lower. This is to limit the impact on members within the District. Construction is currently slated to begin in August 2023 and finish in December 2023.

Will I be told if something changes? How will I know about outages?

The District staff will notify all Patrons via email and update on the District website. You can call the pumphouse to update your contact info anytime.

We live on Warm Springs Ave.  Will our existing sidewalk will be removed and replaced?

Removal and replacement of the sidewalk will likely be necessary. This depends on the method of construction that the contractor chooses to use. Any sidewalk that has to be removed or damaged during construction will be replaced as part of the project. In some cases, boring under sidewalks, driveways, etc. may be an option to minimize the impact on patrons.

How long will we be impacted for construction?  Our front driveway crosses the sidewalk in two places.

This is dependent on the contractor and how they choose to progress with work. There will be a requirement to maintain access to every home during construction. There may be a portion of a day where your driveway will be blocked due to excavation, but the contractor will have to notify you so that you can plan accordingly.  

What was the District’s bond issue for the November 2020 election?

“Shall the Boise Warm Springs Water District be authorized to incur an indebtedness and to issue and sell its revenue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $3,142,000 to pay the costs of improvements to the geothermal water system of the district, the bonds to mature over a period which may be less than but which shall not exceed forty (40) years and to be payable solely from the revenues of the water system, all as more fully provided in the resolution No. 2020-1, adopted on August 12, 2020?”

What did a vote of YES mean for the district?

We sought a bond election on November 3, 2020. The purpose of the bond election was to vote whether or not you, as district members, would allow the district to borrow money to fund this project. The bond issue passed.

How will this potentially affect my annual rate (percent increase)?

The rate increase is heavily dependent on many factors, including grants, interest rate, and the term of a possible loan (Bond).
With approval from the Idaho Water Resource Board for a 20-year loan we have settled on an amount needed to make the necessary payments each year to repay the loan. As always, the District staff will work with any patrons needing assistance with making payments.

Did everyone in my precinct get to vote on the bond issuance?  

All registered voters who are part of the Boise Warm Springs Water District were allowed to vote. People who live outside of the district do not get to vote on the district’s bond request.

What is the likelihood of obtaining some grant money and if so, in what amount?

We have not been approved for a grant at this time. However, the District staff continues to pursue funding for this project.

Will they (BWSWD ~300 patrons) be footing the entire bill?  What about the other users downtown and at BSU?  

Only those homes and business that are part of the Boise Warm Springs Water District will be responsible for the cost of the replacement, the users downtown and at BSU are on a different system that is owned and operated by the City of Boise.

Will our non-metered charges (based on orifice size) be increasing?

Yes, the typical user fee will increase due to the need to pay for the cost of construction of the project.